Sunday, September 26, 2010

angel or devil?

mane satu ni?alaaaa.;p

DEVIL : stop thinking about her and move on lah smyle.  its no big deal.;)
ANGEL : dont stop and keep trying.  there is still a chance.
DEVIL : kau jgn nk merepek bole x?  bazir mase lah.
ANGEL : its not going to be a waste of time.  trust me.
DEVIL : you're young.  dont waste your life being a jerk waiting for someone.  just moveon.

SMYLE : guys,  jgn nk bergaduh bole x?  aku samurai gak due2.huh.  give me time bole x?

DEVIL : which one?
ANGEL : so,  which one?  me or him?

SMYLE : ok.  im young and ive got nothing to lose.  lets just follow your trail devil and see what happens.;)  yeah.  ive got my guitar and my friends so ive got nothing to lose lah kan.  eventhough it hurts a bit lah.;(

DEVIL : kau rilek dh lah.  nk sedih2 plak.  chill.  enjoy.  next week kan speedzone.hehe.;p

SMYLE TO HER : thanx for the sweet memories eventhough its just for one day.  owh btw, we're still friends.  owh and i do really miss you though.;)  my hopes of you loving me as i love you should be the thing of the past right now.;)


Unknown said...

ini lawak. devil ajak g speedzone. uk uk. bengong.

smyle said...

hahaha.xkn angel plak ajk kan.;)

Nna Hazlina ヅ said...

Ini sadis.

smyle said...

just words to make myself feel better.haha.;)