Wednesday, May 4, 2011

alter ego.

hello blog.i kinda miss u.;)
tomorrow im going to face my first final paper.
hope everythings gonna be alright.
but usually they dont.haha.
just hoping that luck is on my side for the rest of the week.;D
ok.quit the blabbering about finals.
so here's the story.;)

don't.nothing last forever.;)

as we get through this life.
things come and go as quickly as the night and day pass by.
you grow older and matured everyday.
but your ego stay the same kid.
eventhough you're hurt inside.
you just act normal and play your role like you should everyday.
you hide your feelings.
and that really drains your emotions towards everything.
as time pass by, you just care about yourself and don't give a fuck to others.
you get just what you think about.
and all you think about is yourself.
lower it down abit will you?
you're gonna be fine.don't worry smyle.;)